Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So my first shift went well ! 330 - 730 ; 5 hours ; $66
My knees hurt like hell, I fell on the ice instead of running over some little 7 year old punk who was endangering everybody w/ his skating. It's hard, to fall and get back up again... especially when you're staff.
I've only got one shift a week, which kind of sucks. I'm not the one w/ the least amount of hours though, so that's something to be grateful for. I'm sure as long as I work hard and make myself available my hours will increase. I'm just starting out new so I've got no senority, but that'll change.
I get into the drop in programs for free, which is a bonus. Maybe swimming some laps will be a bit easier. I need to work on my skating though, I don't want any kid to out-do me. I'm sure you're like "umm.. you're a skating instructor... shouldn't you be an amazing skater ?" yeah well you'd think so right ? but that's not the whole point of it, you just have got to be good w/ kids and you've got to be a good teacher.
Welcome to the SEAPARC team !

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