So, here's the first of todays about Friday.
Friday was a really good day, started out w/ English which is my favorite block. I love talking to Cara, passing notes to Lampe & Army and of course tickling Hazen's ear w/ my pencil when he's concentrating hard reading his book. The day trickled on, and my good mood lasted. It almost left in Art when I was really frusterated w/ my composition but it's all goood.
After school Hazen & I got a ride up Sooke w/ my mom, and grabbed some subway... well he did anyways. Footlong veggie on italian herb and cheese w/ lettuce, pickles, olives and sweet onion sauce. EW.
We then walked down to the boardwalk and sat on the bottom w/ our feet in the freezing cold and yet amazingly beautiful ocean while Hazen ate his sub. I stole some of it and fed the seagulls, which attracted an amazing amount of them which in the end was kind of a bad thing. Then we walked along the boardwalk and were going to hop the railing and continue to walk along the beach and try and find a spot to just sit, surrounded by nature and get away from everything from our daily lives.
So off I go first, and jump over the railing. Upon landing my ankle rolls and snaps. FML.
I appologize for feet photos.
I hate feet.
SO I'm kind of a pro at ankle injuries, I get them a lot. The ladies and the x-ray clinic know me by first name. So I'm crying 'cause it hurts a hell of a lot and Hazen's panicking b/c he doesn't know what to do. Eventually the pain calms down a bit and so does Hazen and we make it back up onto the board walk and start limping to the other end.
I couldn't stop crying. Wouldn't you agree that it's easier to not cry than to stop crying ?
Once you start everything that's been bugging you or weighing on you just comes rushing up to your mind and you can't help but to just stand there and pour it all out. So I did. I hugged Hazen and I cried like a little girl. I cried b/c of the pain, I cried b/c I felt I'd ruined our afternoon, I cried b/c of how Hazen and I have been strained, I cried b/c my grandma is dying, I cried b/c I don't like my exchange students that well, I cried b/c Shaelee cried, I cried b/c I just desperately want things to go back to the way they were in the sumer, I cried b/c I was exhausted. Eventually I stopped crying.
His shirt was wet, and we continued to limp along. We passe Ellie & Ivan who were enjoying the view just as we were. I faked a smile, I didn't want her to see I had been crying, it's one thing for Hazen to see me w/ my gaurd down but I try and be tough to the rest of the world.
I'd also like to say that I love jelly fish. This is a picture I took when my mom and I were in Galiano, I absolutely love it. I love jelly fish, and just to make the boardwalk hour and a half even more amazing, the waters were filled with jelly fish ! I realize that oceans filled w/ jelly fish are becoming a major problem but I still love jellies.

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