Sunday, July 26, 2009

"well maybe I'll just copyright that shit then"

The sun is set, and my body is failing... it's been a good long day.
This morning I woke up, and milled around a bit. Typed up some stuff I wrote yesterday and posted it on here. Then I left the electronic world to contemplate what to do next. I was suddenly overwhelmed by frustration, at what I'm not sure. Sudden mood swings suck, and when I'm taken with anger frustration there's only one thing to do.
Go for a run.
I changed into my running clothes, with my bathing suit underneath and put my headphones in my ears. I chugged down the driveway, but my run started off to weak start... it was still early in the morning. I soon felt my body awakening and my pace increased, the breaks becoming farther and farther apart.
The strength of the human body amazes me. I'm not saying that I'm fit, or in a good shape... in fact I would say I'm not, but I'm working on it. As I swam the entire length and back of the lake I could feel my muscles working to move me through the water. Pulling me forward and ducking under the water to refresh myself. I felt strangely separated from my body, and I watched almost from a 3rd person ; watched my muscles working to complete the task I set for them.
I love swimming alone. I'm alone in my body, and alone in the lake. The only swimmer who ventures out into the middle, or straight across the entire lake. My mother hates it, apparantly it's "unsafe" but I'm unwilling to give it up.
I'm unwilling to sacrafice the freedom I have in making my body work hard in the sanctuary of the lake I've grown up in.
After an hour in the water I changed back into my running gear behind a tree and ran home. My body exhausted but able to be pushed harder than it has ever been before. I showered off the muck and headed into Sooke with my mom, grama and great-aunt.
We got icecream and went to the local park.
Trust me, you never want to help an 83 year old woman go to the washroom in a hot, dirty port-a-potty. Oh, and she's claustrophobic.
Back home, rub a dub dub jump in the tub.
Then off too work =]
It's been a great day, I've pushed my body to new limits and I will continue too. Now it's off to bed, my body is shutting down.

1 comment:

  1. Mmm, I like this very much. I can really relate to it on a bunch of levels. Wonderful!
